Monday, May 11, 2009

Parkour Is Awesome

I just started doing parkour, well learning how to do it, I wouldn't say I'm actually 'doing it' as much as just failing over and over. That's really what learning is though, failing constantly until you reach the point of not failing anymore. I think some of the best parkour athletes probably have failed 100 times more often than those who aren't any good and that only stands to reason because they eventually got past that level and excelled.

I've been looking for some good parkour shoes but haven't really found any. I think someone needs to come out with a specific type of shoe for parkour, but maybe they already are, or will once it gets bigger. Now free running is bigger in the US from what I can tell but I don't think it will stay that way, at least the gap won't be as big. Parkour is a bigger thrill ride from my experience and I think people will one day realize that and it won't stop them from gaining the love of parkour like I have and like so many others I know have as well.

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